Entering the Trofeo Series
Licences, memberships, forms and approvals. Dealing with the paperwork!
Starting in Motorsport can be a confusing experience. Lots of forms and a whole new set of rules and regulations to deal with. It is actually easier than it looks. The main forms and approvals you will need are set out below:
Trofeo Series Entry Form.
You will need to enter the Trofeo Series to compete in Trofeo Series races.
Once your entry into the series is accepted, you are then entitled to enter events with the Alfa Trofeo Series. You will be provided with a windscreen decal for your car, (colour coded according to class). Information on upcoming events etc is either sent to members by e-mail, or it is placed on the series website.
What class can I compete in?
There are four classes in the Trofeo Series. In simple terms they are:
Trofeo Class - Semi modified class, restricted to 8 valve Alfa boxer engined cars, on road legal race tyres, retaining trim and window glass
Veloce class - Modified Alfa Romeo cars retaining trim and window glass
GT Junior - Modified Alfa Romeo cars, lightened but with standard engine
GTA Class - Full race Alfa Romeo cars
Lancia, Fiat & Other Italian Marques - Membership is open to owners of Italian Marque vehicles by invitation, allocation to one of the classes will be made by the committee after considering the vehicle performance and specifications. Ask us for further details.
Class rules are available for download from the Trofeo Series website.
Cars may be checked for compliance with class rules at any time during the season. The Eligibility Officer should be consulted if you have any concerns as to which class you should enter, or for any eligibility queries.
Note: Rules may be changed by remit at the Annual General Meeting of the Series at the conclusion of each season.
Racing Number
When you register in the Trofeo Series, you will be asked to nominate your preferred race number. If a number is in use by another competitor in either the current or the previous year, you will be asked to select another number. Numbers must be three or fewer digits, and be the correct size, colour and background. Depending on entries in other classes, meeting organisers may need to allocate variations of your preferred number, or even an entirely different number. That is the organiser’s prerogative. The Series cannot guarantee that your preferred number will always be available.
n.b. Some organisers do have self adhesive numbers available for sale at documentation.
Competition Licence
Motorsport New Zealand issues different grades of competition licence for different events. The basic grade, known as the Clubsport licence allows you to compete in sprint events, autocross, hillclimbs etc, but not in full grid racing events.
To compete in the Trofeo Series race events, you need to obtain a Grade “C” formerly known as a “National Race” grade competition licence.
A short examination needs to be passed, and you will need to study the Motorsport Manual, which is the Motorsport New Zealand rulebook. You will be sent a copy of the rulebook when you get your licence, but it is available on the MSNZ website to study. Sample exam papers are on the MSNZ website, as are names of approved licence examiners.]
You will also need to fill out a medical aptitude declaration on line, to confirm that you are medically OK to compete. If you are on medication or have a condition that may affect your driving, it must be declared on the form. It’s all about safety. When you are on the grid, you really do need to know that the drivers around you all know what they are supposed to do, and are up to the job !
The MSNZ website has all the information you need to gain your competition licence
Club membership
To obtain a competition licence, you must first be a member of a MSNZ affiliated club.
Membership application information for the Alfa Romeo Owners Club is is on the AROCNZ website at:
Cars regularly used in competition and those fitted with roll protection, are required to have a log book issued by Motorsport New Zealand.
The application form for a log book is available from the motorsport NZ website:
This allows the competition history of the car to be tracked, and more particularly for the scrutineers at a race meeting to see what has happened to the car in the past, and what issues of concern may be with the car. The logbook also carries a copy of the roll protection homologation documents.
Motorsport Authority Card
Some competitors, may wish to drive their vehicles on the public road from time to time. A number of our competitors do drive their cars to the track, and need to have them up to warrant of fitness standard.
To drive a vehicle modified for competition on the public road, you will need to obtain a “Motorsport Authority Card”
The application form for an authority card is also available at:
Roll protection structures, racing harnesses, stainless steel brake lines hydraulic handbrakes and competition seats are modifications that could prevent a vehicle from obtaining a warrant of fitness. Motorsport New Zealand has entered into an arrangement where a “Motorsport Authority Card” can be issued to a competition licence holder who is regularly competing in motorsport events.
The authority card shows the WOF testing station that the changes have been checked and approved under MSNZ rules and that the car can be issued with a warrant of fitness, without having to go through a low volume vehicle certification process.
The card must be renewed yearly, with your competition licence and must be produced when requested by a police officer or WOF inspector.
Competition Calendar and Entry forms
How do I know when the races are on and where do I get entry forms from?
The Trofeo Series Website has the schedule of events posted on the “Upcoming Events” page.
Entry forms are posted on the website. Registered competitors are also contacted, usually by e-mail with advice of upcoming events or essential information.
Fitting roll protection to your car?
Although the rules do allow a minimal roll protection structure to be fitted, (i.e. a roll hoop) it is well worth considering a full roll cage.
If you are intending fitting a roll cage or a roll bar to your car for competition use, it needs to be done right and documented properly before you can use it on the track.
Unless you have considerable experience, it is best to use a recognized constructor. The requirements for materials design and construction are set out in the MSNZ Motorsport Manual, as are a number of approved basic designs. While you may need or want to add additional bracing or side intrusion bars, do ensure that your design incorporates one of the approved designs as a basis, before anything else is added.
The roll protection guidelines and approval forms are on the MSNZ website under the menu headings
Technical / Safety Structures:
The constructor will need to put his details and details of the construction of the roll cage on the approval form before it is sent to MSNZ for homologation. (i.e. approval) You will need to fill out the rest of the form and also put in some photographs of certain parts of the cage so that MSNZ have a record of its construction. (Photos need to be good quality, clear and of the cage before it is painted)
Once the homologation papers have been received back from MSNZ, you need to place the identification number label provided by MSNZ on the roll cage. Once the cage is fitted in your car, approved padding material needs to be fitted in areas where you may hit the cage in an accident. Approved full harness seatbelts will also need to be fitted.
Make sure you read the Motorsport Manual’s “Schedule A” and do the job right. If in any doubt, ask one of the licensed scrutineers in the club, or the series Eligibility Officer. This is one part of your future race car that really has to be done well!